
Sector 32-ID-C

An template TXM script is show below. It doesn’t actually collect any data, but it does set up the TXM, open the shutters, close them again, and tear down the TXM. The variableDict describes the parameters that are presented to the user in the GUI when running this script. In the example below, Several actions take place within a run_scan() context manager. This ensures that the current configuration is restored after the scan.

#!/bin/env python
"""An example script for controlling the sector 32 ID-C microscope."""

import logging

from scanlib import update_variable_dict
from aps_32id import NanoTXM

# Prepare for logging data to a file, or whatever
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# A dictionary with the options that can be used when invoking this script
variableDict = {
    'Parameter A': 0.1,
    'Parameter B': 505,
    # Logging: -1=no change, 0=UNSET, 10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL
    'Log_Level': logging.INFO,

def getVariableDict():
    return variableDict

def run_my_experiment(param_a, param_b, log_level=20, txm=None):
    """Separate out the work-horse code so that it can be executed
    programatically. The ``txm`` parameter is intended for testing,
    where an instance of :py:class:`tests.tools.TXMStub` is used.
    param_a :
      An experimental parameter.
    param_b :
      Another experimental parameter.
    log_level : logging.INFO
      How much detail to save to the logs.
    txm : NanoTXM, optional
      A NanoTXM object that represents the X-ray microscope. Useful
      for testing.
    log.debug("Starting my experiment")
    # Create a TXM object to control the instrument
    if txm is None:
        txm = new_txm()
    # Run the experiment in this context manager so it stops properly
    with txm.run_scan():
        # Setup the microscope as desired
        txm.enable_fast_shutter() # Optional: reduces beam damage
        # Now do some tomography or XANES or whatever
        # Close the shutters and shutdown

def main():
    # The script was launched (not imported) so load the variable
    # dictionary from CLI parameters
    # Start the experiment
    run_my_experiment(param_a=variableDict['Parameter A'],
                      param_b=variableDict['Parameter B'],

if __name__ == '__main__':