Sector 32-ID TXM


This code is under active development and may change at any time. If you encounter issues, or documentation bugs, please submit an issue.

This page describes the features of the aps_32id.txm.NanoTXM class, and a few supporting classes. The NanoTXM class is the primary interface for controlling the Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM) at beamline 32-ID-C. There is also a complimentary aps_32id.txm.MicroTXM.

A core design goal is to keep as much of the complexity in the NanoTXM class, which leaves the scripts to handle high-level details. It also allows for better unit and integration testing. When creating new scripts, it is recommended to put all interactions to process variables (PVs) in methods of the NanoTXM class. This may seem silly for single PV situations, but will make the script more readable. A hypothetical example:

# Not readable at all: what does that address even mean??
PV('32idcTXM:SG_RdCntr:reset.PROC').put(1, wait=True)

# Better, but still not great: what does 1 mean?
txm.Reset_Theta = 1

# Best, even though this method definition would only have one line

Sector 32-ID Configuration

The following configuration options can be set in the beamline_config.conf file under the [32-ID-C] heading:

has_permit (yes|no)
If has_permit is “no”, then the script will not attempt to change the X-ray source, monochromator, shutters, etc. This allows testing of scripts while the B-hutch is operating without risking interferance.
stage (NanoTXM|MicroCT)
Controls which stage/optics/shutters to use for manipulating the sample. MicroCT uses the front stage and NanoTXM uses the rear stage.
zone_plate_drn (int)
The width, in nm, of the outermost zone of the zone-plate of the zone-plate (\(\Delta r_n\)).
zone_plate_diameter (int)
The total diameter, in µm, of the zone-plate.
zone_plate_drift_x (float)
Adjusts the zoneplate x position by this amount for every unit change of zoneplate z. When properly set, this will keep the sample centered when changing energy.
zone_plate_drift_y (float)
Adjusts the zoneplate y position by this amount for every unit change of zoneplate z. When properly set, this will keep the sample centered when changing energy.
has_permit = True
# Either NanoTXM or MicroCT
stage = NanoTXM
# Correct for zoneplate drift when changing energies
zone_plate_drn = 50
zone_plate_diameter = 180
zone_plate_drift_x = 0.
zone_plate_drift_y = 0.

Internally, these options are parsed in aps_32id.txm.txm_config() using the standard library’s configparser package. To make scripts easier to read, it is best to read the configuration only inside methods of NanoTXM (or subclasses). The configuration values can be read in the following manner:

cfg = txm_config()['32-ID-C']
zp_drn = cfg.getfloat('zone_plate_drn')
has_permit = cfg.getboolean('has_permit')

Stopping Scans Gracefully

When a scan script ends, we want the instrument to return to a usable configuration even if an exception occurred. Using the run_scan() context manager, this becomes easy. At the start of the context, this manager saves certain configuration details about instrument; when exiting the context for any reason the configuration is restored, the CCD is set to “continuous mode”, and any extra logging is stopped:

import logging
import aps_32id

txm = aps_32id.NanoTXM()

with txm.run_scan():
    # Setup the microscope as desired
    # Now do experiment stuff

Process Variables

Process variables (PVs), though the pyepics package are the way python controls the actuators and sensors of the instrument. There are two ways to interact with process variables:

  1. The pv_put() method on a NanoTXM object.
  2. A TxmPV descriptor on the NanoTXM class (or subclass).

The second option handles more of the underlying complexity, but understanding it requires a good grasp of the first option. The NanoTXM.pv_put() method is a wrapper around pyepics.PV.put(), and accepts similar arguments:

# These two sets of statements have the same effect

# Using the epics PV class
epics.PV('my_great_pv').put(1, wait=True)

# Using the TXM method
my_txm = TXM()
my_txm.pv_put('my_great_pv', 1, wait=True)

Behind the scenes, there is some extra magic so the txm can coordinate PVs that work together.

Manually supplying the PV name and options each time is cumbersome, so the TxmPV descriptor can be used to define PVs at import time. Set instances of the TxmPV class as attributes on a NanoTXM subclass, then assign and retrieve values directly from the attribute:

from aps_32id import NanoTXM
from scanlib import TxmPV

class ExampleTXM(NanoTXM):
    # Define a PV during import time
    my_awesome_pv = TxmPV('cryptic:pv:string', dtype=float, wait=True)
    # More PV definitions go here

# Now we can use the PV attribute of the txm class
my_txm = ExampleTXM()
# Retrieve the current value
# Equivalent to ``float(epics.PV('cryptic:pv:string').get())``
curr_value = my_txm.my_awesome_pv
# Set the value
# Equivalent of epics.PV('cryptic:pv:string').put(2.718, wait=True)
my_txm.my_awesome_pv = 2.718

The advantage here is that boilerplate, such as type-casting and blocking, can be defined once then forgotten. This approach also lets you define PVs that should not be changed when the B-hutch is being operated, by passing permit_required=True to the TxmPV constructor. More on this below.

Waiting on Process Variables

Sometimes it is necessary to set one PV then wait on a different PV to confirm the new value. The tomo.32id.txm.TXM.wait_pv() method will poll a specified PV until it reaches its target value. It accepts the attribute name of a PV, not the actual PV name itself. It may be necessary to use the wait=False argument on the first PV to avoid blocking forever:

class MyTXM(TXM):
    motor_pv = TxmPV('txm:motorA', wait=False
    sensor_pv = TxmPV('txm:sensorA')

txm = MyTXM()
# First set the actuator to the desired value
new_position = 3.
txm.motor_pv = new_position
# This will block until the sensor reaches the target value
tmx.wait_pv('sensor_pv', new_position)

Waiting on Multiple Process Variables


This feature should be considered experimental. It has been know to break during some operations, most notably setting the undulator gap.

By default, calling the pv_put() method will block execution until the put call has completed. This means that setting several PVs becomes a serial operation. This is the safest approach but is unnecessary in many situations. For example, setting the x, y and z stage positions can be done simultaneously. You can always use wait=False and handle the blocking yourself, however this is not always straight-forward and may involve messy callbacks. Using the wait_pvs() context manager takes care of this. Any PVs that are set inside the context will move immediately; if block=True (default) the manager will wait for them to finish before leaving the context.

txm = TXM()

# These move one at a time
txm.Motor_SampleY = 5
txm.Motor_SampleZ = 3

# This waits while both motors move simultaneously
with txm.wait_pvs():
    txm.Motor_SampleY = 8
    txm.Motor_SampleZ = 9

# These move in the background without blocking
with txm.wait_pvs(block=False):
    txm.Motor_SampleY = 3
    txm.Motor_SampleZ = 12

This table describes whether if and when a process variable blocks the execution of python code and waits for the PV to achieve its target value:

Context manager pv_put(wait=True) pv_put(wait=False)
No context Blocks now No blocking
TXM().wait_pvs Blocks later No blocking
TXM().wait_pvs(block=False) No blocking No blocking

Locking Shutter Permits

Sometimes it’s desireable to test portions of the codebase during downtime while the B-hutch is operating. In order to do this, however, it’s important to ensure that the shutters, undulator and monochromator are not changed. Using the TxmPV descriptors makes this easy: any PV’s that should not be changed can be given the permit_required=True argument to their constructor:

class MyTXM(TXM):
    my_shutter = TxmPV('32idc:shutter', permit_required=True)

    def open_shutter(self):
        """Opens the shutter so we can science!"""
        self.my_shutter = self.SHUTTER_OPEN

# This will not do anything
my_txm = MyTXM()

# This will control the PV as expected
my_txm = MyTXM(has_permit=True)


There is no check that the C-hutch actually has permission to open the shutter, etc. It’s controlled only by the has_permit argument given to the TXM constructor. Please be considerate.

Fast Shutter

The instrument is equipped with a “fast shutter” than protects the specimen from excessive X-ray exposure. Calling enable_fast_shutter() turns this feature on. If using the run_scan() context manager (recommended), the fast shutter is automatically disabled, otherwise the disable_fast_shutter() method should be called to return to normal behavior. The fast shutter respects exposure_time() attribute.